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01Hive offers strategy & roadmap to support small, mid-size, and enterprise-size business needs, connecting people, processes, and data vital to your production and manufacturing workflows.

Requirement Extraction & Analysis

Developers present a clear picture of the entire software project’s scope, defining and documenting the software requirements and feasibility details organized.

Architectural Design

Designers create a high-level design (HLD) or low-level design (LLD) document, incorporating a collection of SRS document details, improvement feedback, interface relationships, module information, and other essential details.

Building & Coding

Developers build the entire software system by writing code in a specific programming language, such as React Native or JavaScript, implementing custom-coded modules, compilers, debuggers, interpreters, and other components.

Quality Assurance Testing

Software is deployed in a testing environment where the QA and testing teams identify bugs and other defects, communicate the issues with the developers, and apply a solution to the problem to ensure that the software is stable.

Installation & Deployment

Expert developers, engineers, and programmers make final edits and alterations before finally deploying the software to the production environment for distribution to the appropriate application marketplace.

Installation & Deployment

After the system has been deployed, IT support experts provide IT support & maintenance to ensure that the software system performs as per the specifications detailed in the software requirement specification (SRS) document.

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We believe innovation can transform all our
futures with greater purpose.


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